Friday, July 20, 2007

Answer to mind teaser #19, mind teaser #20

Answer to mind teaser #19

ZIG[Z]AGS (solution)

Mind teaser #20
My worst enemy or in other words my boss, made me a bet that if I get it right then I can have his job and be rich for the rest of my life, but if I get it wrong then I lose my job and I give him all the money I have. He told me that it is a game of cards and there will be 7 cards (8 through ace) face down in a certain order. He will give me 6 clues on the order of them. If I can get the order right then I win the bet. I accepted the bet thinking it would be really easy but I was wrong. Can you help me? What is the order?

1. The "ace" is two cards away from the "9" card. (1 between)

2. The "8" card is between the "10" card and the "king".

3. The "king" is four cards away from the ace. (3 between)

4. The "jack" is directly right of the "ace".

5. The "Queen" is in the middle.

6. The "jack" is somewhere right of the "10" card

Friday, July 6, 2007

answer to mind teaser #18, mind teaser #19

Answer to mind teaser #18

I. Quarter

The first and last letter of each word in order are in alphabetical order, skipping a letter between words.

BasiC, (D) ElF, (G) HaitI, (J) KilL, (M) NO, (P) QuarteR

Mind Teaser #19

Within this paragraph, a pattern occurs. Replace the blank with the choices below.

After giving food to her pet manatee, Barbara tried to buy a cupcake from the student store at her local school. Her absence yesterday was unacceptable, and the store would not sell her anything until she would confess to what happened yesterday. 'Barbie', as many of her peers would call her, admitted to doing something naughty to the principal. Yesterday, she cut school to shop at the local fashion store. The principal commented that she would never achieve anything if she continued to be a truant, and that she has an unstable grade in every subject. Barbie reckons that she will more likely go to college if she makes a promise not to be a flunker and turn in her reports on time. Later that day, with the company of her best friend, she made a marvelous banquet to serve to her vibrant classmates. They even made a dessert. Despite being an amateur in the culinary arts, Barbie and her friend really made themselves popular with each serving. Yet Johnny said that Barbie was being a showoff. For them to coexist in peace, Barbie proposed giving Johnny her bicycle. Johnny tried to ride it, but his path was not straight; he kept riding in _______.

Choose from:
1) Sawtooth waves.
2) Zigzags.
3) Circles.
4) Spirals.

HINT: Look carefully at a particular letter in each word with a certain amount of letters.