Friday, February 2, 2007

Answer to mind teaser #2, Answering mind teasers involving probability

answer to mind teaser #2

Jenny - Orange - Saturday
Bob - Banana - Tuesday
Kate - Apple - Friday
Joseph - Grapes - Monday

How do I tell if a mind teaser requires an answer that involves probability?

When the mind teaser is given to you, it will ask ‘how likely’, ‘what are the odds’, ‘what is the probability’, etc. These types of questions will tell you that probability is involved.

How do I answer mind teasers that involve probability?

That’s simple. You probably have worked with probability a little bit in high school. This is all you will need when solving mind teasers that require probability. You also need logic in order to solve the mind teaser – some are not as straightforward as it looks.

Here’s this week’s mind teaser to keep you going.

Mind teaser #3

Itchy and Scratchy are playing Backgammon, which requires two identical dice to be rolled on each turn. Scratchy rolls the dice but just as they come to a halt on the board he covers them up with his hands.
"You can't look," screams Scratchy.
"Too late," yells Itchy. "I saw one of them and it was six! Show me the other one." Scratchy at first declines the offer but Itchy applies a gratuitous amount of violence with a chainsaw resulting in the amputation of one of Scratchy's arms, revealing one of the dice. As you may have guessed the revealed die is of course a six. What is the probability that the still hidden die is also a six?

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